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Real Handmade

We use real fruits

You won't find any concentrates or prefab sauces in our ice cream because when it comes to taste there's nothing like the real thing

ice cream

we use fresh organic

and/or Regional milk & Cream

Because animal welfare is important to us, & well-tended happy cows produce

better milk

We use high quality

ingredients & condiments

i.e. real vanilla, loose leaf tea, single origin & assemblage chocolate with high cocoa content, unsweetened nut pastes etc.

We make everything

(nearly) from scratch

Be it the brownies for our Peanut Brownies, the baked cherries in our Earl Grey ice cream or our delicious chocolate sauce... It has all been baked, roasted & caramelised in our own kitchen,

with our own hands

We keep the

sugar content low

Sounds like a no-brainer, but many an ice cream's main character is cloying sweetness

instead of flavour

We make

Egg-free Ice cream

Traditionally eggs were used as emulsifiers in ice cream. But eggs are hygienically problematic & many people are allergic to eggs. Luckily these days we have wonderful plant substances that do the job just as well

We Love to experiment

Henrys' team loves inventing new flavours, & our experiments have led to some of our most beloved flavours, such as Earl Grey with Cherries, Grapefruit Vermouth, Yuzu Straciatella or our vegan Chocolate Sorbet. We believe making ice cream is all about intensifying a delicious natural flavour


We use bio-degradable spoons, straws, coffee & serving cups. All our baked goods are made with organic eggs & flour

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